Share contact details with one click

Most advanced digital business card offers you more than a 'normal' business card. It collects statistics, protects the planet and gives you creative freedom to display your information the way you want. Change your custom page at any time.
It’s free, and takes less than a minute
Create my free business card arrow_right_alt
Most advanced digital business card Most advanced digital business card

Show the world who you are and what you do

Designed for content creators, leaders, sales and networkers. offers you more than a 'normal' business card. It collects statistics, protects the planet and gives you creative freedom to display your information the way you want. Change your custom page at any time.


Everything about you conveniently on one page, both private and business. Use as a digital profile or business card.

share co_present play_circle palette qr_code_2_add

Design your own business card and choose what to share, with a single click, anytime

phone home favorite mail_outline trending_up
Share your Instagram posts, favorite Spotify artists, CV and portfolio

Share your Instagram posts, favorite Spotify artists, CV and portfolio

The business card is made to serve as both your business card and social profile. It is of course up to you what you do and do not want to share, but with your latest Instagram posts and your portfolio, you can go in all directions.

All your social and professional details in one place

You can have your preferred name, pronouns, and any accreditations on your digital business card. Add a picture of yourself, so people remember who you are. Include your social media accounts, a company logo, Youtube, Whatsapp, PDFs, and more.

Create my free business card arrow_right_alt your digital business card and social profile

Share your data in the most popular and direct digital form. Update your information as needed and choose which business card you want to share at any time.

Add your logo, company colors and contact information and activate the modules that best suit your company.

Your business card with QR code

Link your business card to a Tap ID and you can create unlimited QR codes for your business card. Or buy our premium plastic NFC card, which has an NFC chip and a QR code.

Generate QR codes for free arrow_right_alt
All your social and professional details in one place
More features
Create unlimited digital business cards
Personalize cards
Upload your resume
Add social media to cards
Admin control over employee cards
Unlimited card sharing
Add personal URL
Share your top Spotify artists
Add portfolio with images
Share contact details with one click
Add your competencies and interests
Integrate your favorite apps
An environment friendly networking solution

Determine how you interact with your audience

favorite All your social and professional details in one place contactless Works seamlessly with our sticker and card devices Works on all devices and operating systems touch_app Share contact details with one click

Share contact information with a single tap

With your digital business card linked to the Smart Card, you can share all your contact details with one tap. But not just your contact details, your digital business card shows who you are and what you can do, both privately and professionally. Networking takes on a whole new dimension with your personal Smart Card.

Your data is always accessible. Has your conversation partner not activated the NFC technology on his/her smartphone? The QR code on the back will happily take over. This is the last business card you will ever have to order again.

Smart digital business card, possibly linked to NFC products or QR codes to quickly display your data.
Frequently asked questions