
Top 10 Reasons To Start Using Pling Eats

With Pling Eats, customers are able to view the digital menu on any mobile device, and order by themselves.

Top 10 Reasons To Start Using Pling Eats
schedule 4 min read time

#1. Customers Can Order By Themselves 

With Pling Eats, customers are able to view the digital menu on any mobile device, and order by themselves. There is no app needed in order to do so. After tapping an NFC tag or scanning a QR code on the table, customers instantly gain access to your digital menu. Through the help of photos, guests are able to eat with their eyes. It will become easier for them to make a decision and place an order right away.

#2. QR Wi-Fi

Allow visitors to no longer manually enter your WiFi password. With the help of new technology, they can just scan the QR code or tap a NFC tag. By integrating this Smart and Social WiFi, you gain a better understanding of who your visitors are and market directly to them after their visit. Visitors have to log-in with their socials in order to gain access to the open WiFi network. Offer someone a free item from the menu in honor of their birthday or offer them a coupon code when referring a friend to the restaurant. 

#3. Fewer Costs: No Need To Print Menus

Save money by no longer spending on printing and designing paper menus. NFC and QR menu simplify management and reduce costs. No need to reprint menus just to change the price or items. You are now able to edit your menu in real time. No more hustling. 

#4. Better For The Environment, Less Paper Waste

Contribute to a cleaner environment by no longer wasting paper. With the help of Pling Eats, you waste no more paper on menus. We care about the environment and believe that digitalisation plays a big part in reducing paper waste. 

#5. Customer Pays Right Away, Saves Time

Receive payments directly to your account. Simple, easy and safe. Customers no longer have to wait for a waiter, instead after placing their order, they are able to pay through the payment page. This will save your staff a lot of time. Don’t worry, customers have the opportunity to add a tip when paying. 

#6. Feedback Review

With the help of Pling Eats it is easy to collect feedback. Customers are able to leave a review that you can embed on your website for example.  With the help of positive reviews, customers might choose your restaurant over other restaurants. Since there are so many restaurants, people tend to rely heavily on reviews.  

#7. Increase in sales

By making use of an interactive menu: descriptions, images, prices and maybe even recommendations, guests tend to order more items. People like to know what they order. This will cause an increase in sales. As mentioned before, guests eat with their eyes. Pling Eats offers the perfect tool for you.

#8. Dishes variants & suspend

Add different versions of your dishes or if you run out of a dish, just suspend it real time until you have it again. This is not possible with a paper menu. When you edit one item of price on the menu, you are obligated to purchase a whole new batch. Pling Eats offers the possibility where you are able to change something on the menu any time of the day.

#9. Faster: No More Waiting For A Menu, Scan The NFC Tag Or QR Code

Pling Eats enables customers to order quicker since they don’t have to wait for a waiter. It also reduces mistakes since there is no human error. This makes it possible to spend more time deciding on what to order. Enjoy your great food.

#10. NFC Information Can Be Changed Any Time Without Replacing The Tag

If you would like to change the content of the page of the NFC tag, then there is no problem! No need to reprint the QR code or change the NFC tag menu anymore. Pling Eats makes sure that all links, menus and content can be edited at any time.

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